JASMIN user support is managed and provided by the CEDA team. There are several ways that you can contact us, see below.

Help Beacon (preferred method)
Use the "Ask" feature of the Help Beacon (icon at bottom right of your screen) which sends an email to the Helpdesk. The Help Beacon is located on all JASMIN websites.
You will be asked to choose from a list of dropdown options, you can see a description of what these options are here. This helps us to quickly see which service you are asking about, so your query can then be directed to the appropriate person.
Please be sure to include detailed information about your issue. The kind of information we need can be found here

You can email the helpdesk directly:
Please be sure to include detailed information about your issue. The kind of information we need can be found here.

Phone (least reliable method)
Call us on: +44 (0) 1235 44 64 32
Please note that the most reliable method to contact us is via email, as the phone is not fully supported