CEDA team
The Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) aims to support environmental science, further environmental data archival practices, and develop and deploy new technologies to enhance access to data.
CEDA manages all user-facing services on JASMIN (such as software, tools, training and helpdesk support), with CEDA technical specialists responsible for design, implementation and operation of cloud infrastructure components.
Around 10-12 of CEDA's ~30 staff are involved (to varying degrees) with delivering JASMIN services, equating to four full-time equivalent (FTE) staff at present.
You can read more about the different job roles in CEDA here.
CEDA is part of STFC's RAL Space department.
SCD team
The Scientific Computing Department (SCD) manages high performance computing facilities, services and infrastructure, supporting some of UK's most advanced scientific facilities.
The technical lead within the Research Infrastructures Group in SCD is responsible for JASMIN infrastructure design, planning and procurement. A dedicated team of four staff within this group manages JASMIN's hardware and infrastructure operations.
Further support for tape storage is provided by the Data Services Group within SCD.